A category entirely dedicated to one of the most pivotal moments of World War II - the epic Battle of Normandy, known as D-Day. Travel back in time and recreate the historical events of Operation Overlord, with our COBI building brick sets. These are not just toys! We have created vehicles, planes, buildings and figures in a modelling scale, which you can proudly display in your collection! Miniature historical models allow us to understand and celebrate the courage and determination of the soldiers who fought for our freedom.
Our kits are marked with a special logo belonging to the organisers of the official celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the Allied landing in Normandy. Many kits have also been released under official license from military equipment manufacturers and have gone through a complicated approval process. This is confirmed by their quality, attention to detail and strong connection to historical events! Build history, piece by piece
The Dodge WC 56 Command Car released under the RAM license is an American command car used for transporting officers and communicating on the battlefield during World War II